Now the MP3 player market is very confusing, because it has a number of home and portable electronic products. Buy MP3 players the most important thing to consider is how you personally would like to use players, its size and weight capacity. In addition, you will need your PC become the knowledge of some file formats and compatibility.
First, think about the type of equipment you need.
MP3 player has 3 types MP3 player based on hard drive: these provide the majority of the stores from 10 GB up to 80GB and later, you put a huge amount of music on the device. They also have larger screens and easy to use. For these reasons, they are a good choice, when in your car to work, use.
First, think about the type of equipment you need.
MP3 player has 3 types MP3 player based on hard drive: these provide the majority of the stores from 10 GB up to 80GB and later, you put a huge amount of music on the device. They also have larger screens and easy to use. For these reasons, they are a good choice, when in your car to work, use.
A hard drive - based MP3 player is bigger and heavier. They have moving parts, in motion, which makes them using improper selection of vibration in fitness activities. A hard drive - based MP3 players can usually be cost savings, but many would be demolished, you must replace the rechargeable battery after 4 or 5 years. There are also "mini" is based on the hard drive of a player capacity of about 12GB. While small light than a normal hard drive player moving parts also make them for improper selection of activities.
Flash - based MP3 players: a Flash - based MP3 player is a good choice of used during sports activities. They have no moving parts, very compact, has a capacity of 32 MB-8GB. Due to the lack of moving parts, their batteries often take more time. With this convenient, but they actually have a cost per megabyte than hard disk drive devices.
MP3 CD players: the device can play standard CD, and can store up to 650 MB. They are the cheap MP3 players, but they can move so as not to skip during use of a good choice.
Once you have determined which type of MP3 player is most suitable for you, depending on how you want to use it, you will have to consider the actual playback. Now a lot of MP3 player's sound quality is very poor, so when you buy after you got the right MP3 player, your player you'll need to select a suitable FM transmitter, the only way you can always enjoy the music.
These are the simple introduce to the MP3 player, through the simple introduction I believe that you already have a general understanding. More kinds of MP3 Player and FM transmitter all in, if you want buy a one you can come here and contact with us. I believe you will find a make you satisfied with the product.
Flash - based MP3 players: a Flash - based MP3 player is a good choice of used during sports activities. They have no moving parts, very compact, has a capacity of 32 MB-8GB. Due to the lack of moving parts, their batteries often take more time. With this convenient, but they actually have a cost per megabyte than hard disk drive devices.
MP3 CD players: the device can play standard CD, and can store up to 650 MB. They are the cheap MP3 players, but they can move so as not to skip during use of a good choice.
Once you have determined which type of MP3 player is most suitable for you, depending on how you want to use it, you will have to consider the actual playback. Now a lot of MP3 player's sound quality is very poor, so when you buy after you got the right MP3 player, your player you'll need to select a suitable FM transmitter, the only way you can always enjoy the music.
These are the simple introduce to the MP3 player, through the simple introduction I believe that you already have a general understanding. More kinds of MP3 Player and FM transmitter all in, if you want buy a one you can come here and contact with us. I believe you will find a make you satisfied with the product.
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